VR for Remote Work to Boost VR/AR Market Further?

December 27, 2022, 05:15
VR software remote work

Source: XR%20Expo%20on%20Unsplash">Unsplash

In the future workplace, your typical day might start with putting on your VR headset to have a meeting with your colleague’s avatar.

During their early development, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) were technologies largely marketed to the gaming industry. They enabled players to immerse in hyperrealistic environments that enhanced the gaming experience.

But these futuristic technologies have proven their usefulness in industries beyond gaming. In recent years, companies have started to implement VR/AR in multiple settings. From eCommerce to employee training, engineering, design, and even talent recruitment, companies are seeing the possibilities that VR/AR can offer.

Using AR, for example, shoppers can now virtually try on a piece of clothing or a pair of sneakers. Popular furniture brand, IKEA, on the other hand, has an app that allows customers to virtually place furniture to see how it fits in their home.

Meanwhile, the tourism industry also relies on VR/AR tech to deliver unique and immersive tourism experiences. VR captures a 360-degree view of the scenery and can be an effective marketing tool for travel companies.

Beyond Entertainment

Virtual reality and augmented reality are not just for retail or entertainment. VR statistics indicate that businesses across industries are now integrating AR and VR into their work processes.

Hospitals, for example, are using VR to expand healthcare services. Clinicians can help stroke patients in their rehabilitation sessions from any location with robotics and VR software and headsets. Meanwhile, surgeons use advanced VR tools to consult with peers and examine a patient’s brain and body before performing a procedure.

In design and engineering, VR is also being used to accelerate team collaboration. Car producer, Honda, for instance, has acknowledged the impact of virtual and augmented reality in advancing their EV design capabilities. In a press release, the automaker said that advanced VR tools were used to bridge the divide among its global design and development teams at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though travel restrictions were in place, they didn’t hamper the design and engineering team from exploring, testing, and validating their designs.

These innovations from VR will continue as the devices and VR software advance in the future.  One market study projects the VR/AR market to hit $200.1 billion by 2030. Part of the growth is governments also recommending such technologies as VR/AR and automation in the manufacturing industry.

VR software for remote work

Strengthening Remote Collaboration

Companies accelerated their adoption of various digital solutions in the workplace during the pandemic to enable business continuity. Video conferencing, freelance platforms, and project management software, for instance, allowed teams to come together and collaborate regardless of where they were during the lockdowns.

Workplace trends in 2023 report the continuation of remote work environments. By 2025, an Upwork survey estimates that 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels. Also, with advancements in technology, 68% of hiring managers say doing remote work now is more accessible than when their company shifted at the start of the pandemic.

Businesses cite increased productivity and flexibility as key benefits of implementing remote work setups. Thanks to remote work, 70% of hiring managers saw a reduction in non-essential meetings. Another 60% said they’ve increased their schedule’s flexibility and 54% said the no commute aspect of remote work has worked out better than what they expected.

As more companies embrace remote work, more will also look for tools that can enhance their online collaboration. VR and AR could see more opportunities in the growing remote workplace.

Instead of settling for video conferencing, companies could install mixed-reality rooms for VR meetings. Participants in VR meetings feel like they are right in the same room with colleagues, which could result in more efficient collaboration and product development like what we’ve seen with the Honda engineers and designers.

If Metaverse got one thing right, it’s probably the idea of knowledge workers collaborating in a virtual workplace. While the widespread adoption of AR and VR for remote work is still far in the future, their proven effectiveness in strengthening remote collaboration could potentially speed up its market growth.

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